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patch cable中文是什么意思

用"patch cable"造句"patch cable"怎么读"patch cable" in a sentence


  • 插塞式电缆
  • 跳线


  • Upon searching the closet , she finds an unplugged patch cable hanging from one of the patch panels and an empty hub port
  • Commercial building telecommunications cabling standard - part 1 : general requirements - addendum 1 - minimum 4 - pair utp and 4 - pair sctp patch cable bend radius
    商用建筑电信电缆敷设标准.第1部分:一般要求.补充件1 . 4对utp和4对sctp插塞式电缆的最小弯曲半径
  • One wire may be connected to another wire through patch cables , transceivers , patch panels , repeaters , and even hubs . all of these layer 1 interconnections are part of the collision domain
    一条线可能和另外一条线用。 。 。 。 。 。 。连接起来。所有这些工作在第一层的网络连接设备都是冲突域的一部分。
用"patch cable"造句  
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